Hello friends! Don’t miss my post over at Yumm.com today on tips for making fluffy cakes. One time I baked a cake that turned out like a brick. It was embarrassing. Don’t let that happen to you.
Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Tips for Making Fluffy Cakes
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Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
A quick post to wish my daddy a very happy Father’s Day! Thanks for introducing me to escargot, vinegar on French fries (“It’s white ketchup!”), and seafood, all at a ridiculously young age. I would also be remiss if I did not thank you for passing on your love of booze. Happy Father’s Day, Fruit!
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Vegan Summer Shop-Up!
Hi kids! I know, I’m posting on a Saturday. It’s bedlam.
If you’re a vegan you know how tough it can be to enjoy food like a regular ol’ meat eating human. While I don’t quite understand why anyone would give up juicy cheeseburgers, chicken soup, crispy sausage, succulent pork shoulder…
… I CAN understand the affinity for delicious vegan baked goods! I am telling you, these are some of the most delicious baked goods you will ever have. I can’t explain why they taste so perfect, but they do. This Sunday, June 10, The Vegan Summer Shop-Up opens in Bushwick, Brooklyn, featuring all vegan eats. My friend Tommy will be there with his incredible baked goods for sale. Don’t miss out!
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Happy Friday!
Just a quick post to say hello and give you some links you might like. Eat well, my loves.
This weekend is the Big Apple BBQ Festival in NYC! If you’re in town, check it out at Madison Square Park from 11AM – 6PM on Saturday and Sunday. There’s no entry fee, you just pay for food as you go. It’s the best BBQ you’ll have in New York, I promise.
Do you Tweet? I do. I say lots of funny things, too.
In my day job I’m lucky enough to work on this book by Kelly Jaggers called Not-So-Humble Pies. Does apple and brie tart with bacon crumble strike you? How about orange and dark chocolate cheese pie? Healthy, these are not. But who cares?
I don’t have kids yet but this post was so completely inspiring and informational that I almost want to buy the book now. It’s called French Kids Eat Everything and I’d read it wearing a beret. For authenticity, of course.
My birthday is a month away and I’ve decided that what I really want to do is bake myself this cake and drink champagne at a rooftop bar somewhere. Maybe wearing this. I don’t even know.
Have a fabulous weekend!
xoxo Lauren E.
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An Ode to Lauren Odes
I’ve had over 400 visitors to Food E. today, and thanks to WordPress stats I know why. When you go to Yahoo.com and do an image search for “Lauren Odes”, the busty blonde lady who made headlines today for being fired from her lingerie store gig for being too provocative, you get this:
If you didn’t recognize them, SEVEN of those pictures are mine. So if you’ve stumbled upon this blog because you were creeping on this lovely lady, then welcome! I, too, am a lovely lady. But would probably never be fired from anything for being anywhere near too provocative. I make muffins to make up for my chesticular shortcomings. Enjoy!
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The Great Googa Mooga
I know what you’re thinking… the what? No, it’s not the name of my future-first-born child, it’s a monster food and music festival happening in Brooklyn this weekend! I’ll be live Tweeting the entire event @LaurenFoodE and will bring you full coverage at Yumm.com on Monday!
Filed under Miscellaneous
To My Mommy
I just wanted to put up a quick post in honor of my beautiful mommy, Joanne Miller. Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who instilled a deep and spiritual love of baked goods in me; the woman who helped me cultivate my sarcasm and snark; the woman who is my biggest fan. I love you, ma!
PS: I was going to put a nice picture of our family up here but then I thought you’d get mad at me… so instead here are some pictures of your children.
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