

When I was a kid I liked Hanson. Okay… I liked Hanson a LOT. But if one of my family members tries to tell you I was like, obsessed or whatever, and that I had a magazine-cutout shrine to Taylor Hanson on my closet door and I actually ordered their t-shirt off the Eggo waffles box, then they are bold faced lying. And that’s a fact.

Anyway, today I found out my present love and my past loves are coming together: Hanson is making beer. And it’s called Mmmhops. And I couldn’t make this sh*t up.

In more altruistic news, they are selling Mmmhops merch and donating the proceeds to charity. So when you pick up a 6-pack of this stuff, you can buy a t-shirt too, and you don’t have to feel all that bad about it. You’re helping disaster relief in Oklahoma, where the boys are from.

And in COMPLETELY unrelated news… my birthday is in a month and a half.

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