A Tasty Nugget for Your Philanthropic Soul

Due to a red-wine-potato-pizza-pork-rhubarb-
ice-cream-chocolate-induced food coma last night, I neglected to write a real post before passing out cold in my snuggly warm bed.

In lieu of lip-smacking pictures, I am posting this because I thought it was so cool! If you don’t think it’s cool, then I don’t think we can be friends anymore.

Non-profit Panera cafe in St. Louis puts human nature to the test


Filed under Miscellaneous

2 responses to “A Tasty Nugget for Your Philanthropic Soul

  1. JMiller

    What a wonderful idea. I, too, believe it will succeed. There’s a lot of good people out there.

    Always your friend.

  2. I read about this a few days ago and am sooo fascinated to see how it does! Such a cool concept. I saw a business show on the president of Panera and he seems like such an incredibly creative business minded thinker. I love it!

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