Where I Be

Dinner! Not every night. Don't worry, mom.

Dear readers,

You’ve probably noticed some radio silence lately. I haven’t been neglecting you on purpose… but mama’s been tired. Real tired. I started a brand spanking new job last week and I am totally in love with it, but it’s been kicking my butt a little. Dinners have been a lot of takeout, scrambled eggs, and apples and yogurt, and lunch has been quickly inhaled between conference calls and training sessions.

I plan on picking back up with posts VERY soon, and I’ll have many a delicious item for you beginning with a sweet Valentine’s Day post. But as for now… radio silence continues. Please excuse this interruption.

Love always,
Lauren E.


Filed under Miscellaneous

4 responses to “Where I Be

  1. Good luck with your new job. I’m in a similar situation–slightly swamped with work, so I can relate 🙂

  2. Mom

    Have missed you. Your writing always makes make my day a little brighter!

  3. Mom

    Have missed you. Your writing always makes my day a little brighter!

  4. Hey Lauren,
    Eloise here! I’ve started my own blog and would love you to check it out.
    I sent you an email, but seeing this entry, you may no longer have that same email account (hope everythings okay on the job front!)
    I thought I should make the connection via blogs as well. Take a look and hope you enjoy it!
    Looking forward to a new bloggy friendship-



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