
Hello friends! Big things happening in my life. Big. Things. Amazing new day job (I actually really like this one, I swear), brand new apartment (the kitchen is to DIE for… pictures coming soon), and a new roommate who occasionally leaves beard shavings on the sink but overall, I think he’s a keeper.

One BIG development is my involvement on the newly launched Yumm.com! I’m writing some articles for them with a little less snark but still the same great personality you’ve come to know and love from LaurenFoodE! And if you don’t know and love it, well… what the H are you doing here?

Head on over to Yumm.com to take a peek. And when I make it big on Food Network/Martha Stewart/Cooking Channel/universe, you can say, “I remember when you first started out!” But you’ll have to say it in an email because I’ll probably be too important by then to take your call.

1 Comment

Filed under Miscellaneous

One response to “Yumm!

  1. This is so exciting for you! Congratulations!

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