I Just Can’t Wait to Be King

Happy Friday, friends! If you’re looking for a low-key activity to keep you occupied this weekend (and you live in the NYC area… sorry) go see Kings of Pastry at Film Forum.

Legendary documentary filmmakers D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus chronicle the journey of sixteen pastry chefs to achieve the highest honor in the French art of patisserie, Meilleurs Ouvriers de France. The story is heartwarming, the skill level is unbelievable, and if you have even the tiniest interest in food or competition you will want to see this movie. This contest has never been filmed before, so you won’t see it on the Food Network. It is an echelon of the culinary world that I never even knew existed! Well beyond cupcakes and muffins, kids.


Filed under Miscellaneous

2 responses to “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King

  1. Lauren – thank you for your kind words. The film is opening up nationally starting this week in Boston and next week in Chicago and elsewhere. Please go to this link http://firstrunfeatures.com/kingsofpastry.html to find screening locations. If anyone has any questions they can contact me via frazer@phfilms.com.

    thanks again for your interest,
    Frazer Pennebaker

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