Holding Out for a Hero

I have a great aunt who lives in Arizona. And to put it nicely, she’s slowly losing it. Yesterday I received a “gift” from her.

My favorite is The Golden Boy: Serve him immediately or he’ll leave you flat.

And if you’re especially lost, read Dr. Friedman’s other book, Smart Cookies Never Crumble.


Filed under Miscellaneous

3 responses to “Holding Out for a Hero

  1. JRenee

    What? This is hysterical! I bet you laughed your ass of for at least half the night.. immediately stopped what you were doing, poured yourself a hefty glass of wine and continued your good laugh as you flipped through the pages! I love crazy aunts.. I wish anyone would send me anything! I LOVE receiving things in the mail.

  2. I think your aunt is AWESOME. This book looks amazing. I bet it’s hilarious. I love it already because I love puns (especially food ones) and paragraphs made of cheesy cliched lines. Let’s stage a reading. This also reminds me that I, too, can write a book.

  3. hahaha I will let Aunt Jean know that you girls approve! She’ll be thrilled.

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